Blog design and digital scrapbooking elements created by Adori Graphics »

14 December 2011

07 December 2011

Christmas Email

Today we are going to practice sending an email!!  You will send your ecard to me.  My email address is:  Click on the envelope to start your gingerbread man ecard.


After you have sent your ecard, we will practice following listening and following instructions while making a gingerbread house at this website:

29 November 2011

Holiday Mail for Heroes

Click HERE to open the powerpoint template we will use to make our pop up Christmas Card!

17 November 2011

1st Grade Pumpkin Pie Graph

Do you like pumpkin pie?

1.  Click HERE and let's make a graph!

2.  After we graph--read a story about a silly turkey!

3.  If you have time, you may CREATE AN ONLINE HAND TURKEY!

16 November 2011

Second Grade Pigeon Project

Wow!  Writing that story was hard work!  Let's go celebrate and play!

Click HERE to see our book!

09 November 2011

Spanish Assignment for Senora Bell

1. Go to this website:

2.  Create a 4 panel comic with two characters using your Spanish vocabulary sheet "Asking and saying how you are."

3.  Print your comic and turn in to Senora Bell. 

01 November 2011

Measuring Games

Go play this GAME!

Now go play this GAME and practice MORE:)

Try this one next!

And then this one!

20 October 2011

5th Grade Computer Lab Project

Hi you guys!  Missed you guys yesterday--wasn't the pep rally fun?!  Today in Tech Class, you may work on your research project for Mrs. Douglas.

Here are some sites that might help some of you:

If you finish your research, find some images of your war memorial and put them in a powerpoint presentation.  Save your presentation! Your images will be printed and placed on your poster. Mrs. Douglas will review your images early next week before you can print them.

19 October 2011

2nd Grade Habitat Project

First go to this site and follow the instructions from your teacher:

Now let's go to this site and follow instructions from your teacher:

11 October 2011

3rd Grade Pet Project

Today we are going to practice making a table using Microsoft Office Word!

First, we need to survey our class--Mrs. Hill will help us take the survey.

After we have completed our survey, click HERE to open the template we will use today and then wait for instructions.

Once you have completed your survey, you may play this game.

29 September 2011

5th Grade Tech Assignment

Warm Up today at BBC Dancemat typing (on the symbaloo) on Level two Stage five.  After that is complete--

review for your science test on Monday--use this tech time to review and play at these websites.

When you are done with these--go to my science blog to work on the extra credit webquest I've assigned.

28 September 2011

Farm Fun in Second Grade

Let's learn a fun way to graph using farm animals.Click on the picture above and wait for directions.

26 September 2011

6th Grade Keyboarding Practice

Play these games in order.  Make sure your hands are in proper keyboarding position:)

1.  Play this game:    What is your high score?

2.  Now go try this game:

3.  Last but not least, play this game:  Make sure your hands are in proper keyboarding position.

Keyboarding Practice

We REALLY need to work on proper keyboarding. 
1.  Complete this assignment first:

 Now, let's practice with these games:

1. score needs to be at least 225 to move to the next game!


3.  This site is too cute!  Type commands to have the dog do various tricks.


19 September 2011

6-8 Grade Tech Class

 Read the directions.  Follow the directions.

Go to
Follow these steps to make your own word search:
1. Title: In the first empty white box, type in your first name and the word “puzzle” (ie. Ed’s Puzzle)
2. Size: In the 2 boxes with “15” in them, change both numbers to 12
3. Options: Click in the 1st circle (“use each letter only once”)
4. Output Type: leave at HTML
5. Enter words: pick 15 words from this website and type each word in the large white box (press “Return” after each word
6. Click on box “Create Word Search”
7. When the big box with the yellow triangle comes up, press OK
8. Print 1 copy of your puzzle: go to “File” column and select “Print”; click on Print when the box comes up
9. Complete the word search
10.  Congratulations!  You have read all of the instructions.  You do not need to complete steps 1-9.  Please go play questionaut.

14 September 2011

Subtraction Facts for Second Grade

Here is the powerpoint template we will be using today.

Onomatopoeia! WOW!

We are going to explore ONOMATOPOEIA!  Onomatopoeia is a word that imitates the sound it represents.

1.  After our short lesson, let's go practice ONOMATOPOEIA by playing this GAME.

2.  Now, let's create our own comic!  I will give you a piece of paper and we will fold it into fours together.  Number the squares 1-4.  I will show you how to do this in class.

3.  Let's go look at the site we will use to create our comics:  Go to this website:

Now choose your setting, character and plot.  WRITE down your ideas on your numbered paper.    One frame in your comic should use ONOMATOPOEIA.

4.  Next week, you'll come back to the lab and we will create your ONOMATOPOEIA comic!

07 September 2011

4th Grade Wiki Work

Let's clean up our candy store wiki!

Go here first and make your text look awesome!!

Then go to thru internet explorer.

02 September 2011

31 August 2011

4th Grade Computer Winn Dixie Project

Today go to Mr. E's ONLINE CANDY STORE. 

1.  Find your candy and fill in the information about your candy!

2.  When the class is ready we will create our own VOKI  at

3.  EMBED your voki onto our wiki!!

4.  If we have time, we will go to this site:  visit the RV park and complete one more description of another character from the book!!

30 August 2011

Third Grade Bird Wiki

Click to go to the wiki.

Write a Title and YOUR INITIALS  ex.  Mockingbird by Mrs. Hill

Write at least two sentences about your bird.

HERE is the site we will use for information.
Can't find your information about your bird?  Check HERE.

26 August 2011

5th Grade T-Riffic Project

1.  Open Powerpoint
2.  Layout is BLANK
3.  Slide Orientation is PORTRAIT.
4.  Insert WORD ART that says.."I'm T-Riffic Because..."
5.  Write seven different COMPLETE sentences in different FONTS/FONT SIZE/FONT COLOR that tell everyone why you are T-Riffic.
6.  Print your Slide.
7.  Turn in project to Mrs. Hill:)


24 August 2011

4th Grade Computer Class

Click HERE to go to today's activity.  Go to the RV park and complete a description for three main characters.

31 May 2011

Tech Training for Teachers

Google Doc Projects


Click HERE to open the  Powerpoint Template for a Minibook.
Choose  the DOWNLOAD option to open the template as a Powerpoint File.
Make a Brief Minibook about nouns.
Page one should be the definition of a noun.
Pages 2-6 should show examples of  five different nouns. (INCLUDE CLIP ART)
Save the File to your desktop as "minibook."
Upload "minibook" to your google docs.
"Share" your minibook (which will give you the hyperlink code)  and then link it to a post in your blog.

How could you use this in your classroom?



We will teach you how to make your own quiz and find templates!
Can you use this with your students?

04 May 2011

DC Budgeting for 7/8 Grade

Here is a link to the budget form.  Make sure you upload your copy to your OWN google docs account.

Here is a page of some of the places we will visit and eat/shop.  These are provided to help you make wise spending decisions.

24 March 2011

Templates for Learning

These are great templates for learning different skills.
Free blog design by Adori Graphics using the Playful digiscrapping kit by Adorible Digital Designs